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Swiss Made


Elevators increase the attractiveness and value of residential buildings. Particularly in the case of older properties, the question often arises as to how an existing system can be renovated or a new elevator system retrofitted. The aim here is to achieve an optimum combination of efficiency and sustainability. A renovated or retrofitted elevator not only increases the comfort and quality of life of the residents, it also demonstrably quality of life, it also demonstrably increases the value of a property. In the event of a resale of the property, the presence of an elevator can be the presence of a lift can have a very positive effect.

Lift modernization

The need for security in our society is ever greater. And so the regulations and standards regarding safety are constantly being tightened and adapted upwards. By law, what is considered to be the state of the art today technology and who can be held liable for personal injury. As a elevator manufacturer and service partner, we consider it our responsibility to draw attention to defects and risks. With timely elevator modernization, today's safety standards can be achieved without be achieved. Regardless of the age, manufacturer and type of and is more environmentally friendly than a complete elevator complete replacement.


If older elevators are not brought up to today's safety standards, the risk of accidents increases because users use old elevators with the same elevators as a matter of course as they do with new elevators. Appropriate renovations are also in the interest of the owner, who in Switzerland is liable for the health and safety of elevator passengers in accordance with Art. 58 of the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR).

What applies to Switzerland?

The European standard EN 81-80 "Safety Norm for Existing Lifts" - SNEL for short - aims to make existing elevators safer. The Switzerland adopted SNEL and published it in 2004 as SIA standard 370.080. SNEL lists 74 deficiencies in older elevators that can lead to hazards. It forms the basis for safety inspections and shows ways of gradually eliminating these risks. In Switzerland, the cantons are responsible for the legal implementation of the SNEL. At present, only Geneva with the " L5" and Zurich with the with the "ESBA Guideline" have corresponding cantonal regulations. It is to be expected that further cantons will adapt and supplement their legislation accordingly. and supplement. The "ESBA Guideline" of the Canton of Zurich prioritizes seven sources of danger out of the 74 SNEL points. In the following we present the seven sources of danger and show which measures can be taken to eliminate them.

Seven points for safety:

Drive / Propulsion

The progress of technology has not stopped at the lift drive systems as well. Today, frequency-controlled gearless drives or hydraulic power units are used, which offer clear advantages in terms of energy efficiency. But total replacement is not always total replacement makes sense. In our mechanical workshop we can repair defective gearboxes and traction sheaves from any manufacturer. Please contact our specialists, who will be happy to advise you. with pleasure at a non-binding appointment on site.

Safety gear

This important safety component of the elevator, which prevents the cabin from falling car, must be maintained and checked regularly. If the loaded car is lighter than the counterweight, for example, a shaft break of the drive Up." Today's standards therefore require a safety gear that functions in both directions of movement and thus also prevents this danger as well. We can equip any elevator we can.


No matter if your elevator is equipped with an old relay or already a microprocessor control system, the heart of every elevator system can be repaired or replaced by our specialists. And for all elevator models of all manufacturers. Your lift will be safer and more reliable.


To prevent the risk of entrapment when entering and exiting the booth doors can be retrofitted with light grids or light barriers. Light barriers can be retrofitted. This protects the door drives and protects the door leaves from damage. It is also possible to install anteroom monitoring system. A motion detector signals a possible door control system of a possible danger of entrapment before entering the danger of entrapment.


Is your elevator cab getting on in years? A refreshment of the cabin body is possible with every elevator. The elevator is the business card of your address and the renovation leads to an upgrading of the entire property. Describe to us your wish and we will submit you an offer.

Our experts
will gladly advise you


Elevator conversion

Adaptations, conversions and extensions of existing properties often require the conversion of the existing elevator. A complete replacement of the elevator is not always the best or most economical solution. No matter from which manufacturer, no matter whether with a hydraulic or rope-mechanical drive, our professionals will adapt your lift to the new.


The needs in the use of buildings change. Your elevator can usually be adapted to extensions or changes in use. changes. A building is being renovated and the previously unused attic space is to be converted into living space? A an extension of the existing elevator increases the attractiveness of the and makes it possible for disabled people to use the attic space.


The great need for densification in urban areas makes it necessary to basements of existing properties in certain situations is also necessary. A parking garage built under the building can often be made accessible by the existing elevator. The existing rails can be extended downwards. The depth of the new shaft pit can also be optimized for in terms of depth, even for existing elevators. Because at the very bottom lies the groundwater, and we don't want to complicate things even more.

More work load

You will use your basement as a workshop in the future and would also like to transport larger loads than specified with the existing elevator? We would be happy to take a look at your elevator and make you a proposal.

Additional doors

Changes in the use of the building often also require an adaptation at the elevator accesses. The installation of an additional door on a floor that has not been served before or an additional exit side on the back of the car. We also find a solution. During a non-binding visit on site, we will quickly show you what is possible and what costs you can expect. you have to reckon with.

Reconstruction cabin

The renovation of your property is just about to start and the 40-year-old elevator cabin no longer meets your design requirements? We would be pleased to make you an offer. From the new lining to the complete replacement of the cabin body. But also the shaft and car doors can be refreshed. Cladding in sheet metal, aluminum or even wood are possible.


Replacement systems

With our EMCHMaster product line, you benefit from maximum flexibility - regardless of whether it's a passenger elevator, a goods elevator or a car elevator. We rely on state-of-the-art technology and variable drive concepts. Choose the elevator cabin, walls, ceilings, floors, lighting and doors from a wide collection. Every detail can be manufactured in our factory - with absolute perfection and in the shortest possible time. Or in other words: completely Swiss made. Our STANDARDLIFTEMCH is an alternative worth testing for standard solutions. It from European production and meets our high quality requirements for the selection of the components used.

Passenger lifts

Should your elevator be replaced and equipped with a larger cabin? be equipped? Or do you want to use the roof space as additional living space and therefore want a new elevator without a machine room? Our elevator kits offer a variety of optimization possibilities. The existing manual landing doors can be replaced and often even enlarged. We will be happy to advise you and submit an individual offer.

Bed elevators

Replacing a bed lift while the hospital is still in operation is a demanding. The downtime must be kept to a minimum and the noise pollution must be minimized. Benefit from our experience. We try to rebuild the usually still flawless rails, the car frame and the counterweight and only replace only those components that really need to be replaced. Save valuable rebuild time and money! We would be pleased to make you an offer for a partial replacement of your elevator.

Merchandise elevators and small merchandise elevators

In the case of old product elevators, the specified load capacity does not correspond to the minimum payload required by the cabin size according to the standard. In this case, it makes sense to replace the system. If the required cabin doors and doors are missing and the installation reduces the cabin to a size that is no longer to a size that no longer makes sense for you, then things get complicated. We support you with the clarification with the SUVA and offer you a complete package. So that you can finally be buried.

Car elevators

The packhorses underneath the elevators are under constant load and their failure costs time and nerves. In addition to refurbishment packages we also offer replacement systems for your existing shaft. On-site additional costs for structural adaptations can be minimized thanks to our individually optimized solution for your situation.

Incline elevators

They seem bizarre and adventurous. The inclined elevators in the terraced housing estates of the late 60s and early 70s. Today many of them need to be renovated or replaced. Thanks to a well-equipped mechanical workshop, such work is no problem for us. Our range of services extends from the replacement of the control or the drive up to the complete replacement by.

Special lifts

Explosion-proof elevators, systems with increased hygienic or cleanroom requirements, earthquake safety. The range of possible special elevators is not exhaustive. Difficult if your existing elevator system is incompletely documented or verifications are missing. We at EMCH can help you with the preparation the documentation and a possible recertification. And if necessary, we can also replace your special lift.

Individual systems

Switzerland is a country of mechanical engineering and individual plant engineering. It's exciting to see the specialties that we encounter every day. Hydraulically driven fire protection walls in concert halls, cable-mechanically moved stage superstructures or extending and rotating car platforms. Our engineers and technicians will be pleased to help you if you are concerned about your special should.

Individual systems
Mask Group 50

Lift installation in
existing buildings

Whether it's prêt-à-porter or haute couture - we consider the retrofitting of lifts to be the pièce de résistance of the art of elevator construction. Residents and visitors of all ages appreciate the comfort that elevators offer. of all age groups appreciate the comfort offered by elevators. For older people with physical access to their homes clearly improves their quality of life. It is not uncommon for it to be the decisive criterion for deciding whether or not they can remain in their familiar living environment. Since especially in old houses in particular, many homeowners decide to retrofit an elevator.

The right place for the elevator

Basically, there are four different options for retrofitting:

Stair eye elevator

The easiest way is to install the elevator in the existing staircase eye. There is hardly any need to interfere with the building structure and the costs are therefore comparatively low. We have developed space-saving elevators especially for confined spaces. Particularly popular in the stairwell: a glazed shaft frame with a self-supporting structure.

Optimized Microlifts

If there is no stairwell or if the stairwell eye is too small, it is necessary to check whether the elevator can be installed at a different point adjacent to the stairwell, for example stairwell - for example, next to the entrances to the apartments. This solution is relatively costly, as it requires intervention in the living space and the substance. The decisive factor is the space requirement, which must be minimized. Interventions in the old substance can thus be reduced and costs saved.

Outdoor lifts

If there is not enough space in the building, there is the option of mounting the elevator on the outer facade. Small transition bridges create the connection to the building. Often technically the simplest solution, with a clear result without compromise.

Access roof terrace

And maybe you dream of opening up your roof terrace? Especially with penthouses, easy access to the easy access to the outside space is becoming more and more important. Or perhaps you already have an elevator that could be extended to the to the roof. Sometimes the clever placement of the of the subsequently installed lift enables the fulfillment of your special additional wish.

Handicapped accessible

Accessibility means that the lift in a building should be designed so that it can be designed in such a way that it can be used without restriction by everyone, regardless of any disability. For the standard requirements in the wording are the standard SIA 500 and the related standard SN EN 81-70 are authoritative. However, the 1:1 implementation in a private house does not always make sense. Let us advise you. Often smaller cabin sizes are the better compromise.

«I am fascinated by the way EMCH works. Even during the first meetings, the people involved the project as their own and do everything in their power to realize the ideas and visions of the other party. There is no no-go at EMCH; the focus is always on the joint search for the best solution is always in the foreground. This has not changed during my professional life - for a good 25 years. I have been benefiting from the enthusiasm, professionalism and smooth processes.» Martin Gsteiger, graduate architectt HTL SIA,
3B Architekten AG, Bern
«Bei EMCH hat man ein offenes Ohr für die Anliegen der Architekten. Hat das vielleicht damit zu tun, dass sich in der Emch-Crew Leute befinden, die selbst Architekten sind? Sie verstehen, dass gerade bei Umbauten und denkmalgeschützten Häusern die Schachtgeometrien häufig zwingend vorgegeben und fast immer äusserst knapp sind. Und trotzdem ist es EMCH noch immer gelungen, mit gescheiten Ideen ein Optimum herauszuholen und ganz nebenbei auch noch schöne Lifte zu bauen. Das Wort "unmöglich" habe ich in diesem Zusammenhang nie gehört.» Elisabeth Boesch, Martin & Elisabeth Boesch Architekten ETH SIA BSA, Zürich
«Der hängende, vollverglaste Lift in der Alkoholverwaltung Bern, ausschliesslich auf Zug beansprucht, stellte 1995 die aussergewöhnliche Innovationskraft der Ingenieure von EMCH unter Beweis. Technische und handwerkliche Meisterschaft verbinden sich zu einer zeitlosen ästhetischen Kraft. Als es darum ging, eine Verbindung zwischen der Kirchenfeldbrücke und dem Schwellenmätteli zu skizzieren, erfand das unter Architekten hochgeschätzte Berner Unternehmen einen – leider nicht ausgeführten – Bogenlift, der den halbkreisförmigen Bögen der Brücke folgte. Futuristisch und atemberaubend, der Zeit weit voraus.» Rolf Mühlethaler, Architekt BSA SIA, Bern
«EMCH passt zu mir. Die Fachleute sindwie ich daran interessiert, für jedes Projekteine spezifische, originäre Lösung zu entwickeln und nicht einfachheitshalber frühere Ausfertigungen zu kopieren. Für EMCH und mich gibt es jeden Lift nur ein einziges Mal. Diese Offenheit gegenüber Neuem, diese Freude an Innovationen und diese Bereitschaft, Versuche zu wagen, überzeugen mich. Gemeinsam gelingen Produkte, die den technischen Anforderungen eines Baus genügen und mit meiner Architektursprache harmonieren.» Tilla Theus, Architektin ETH/SIA/BSA, Zürich
«Vom Amthaus Bern zum Swisscom Businesspark in Ittigen – zwei Generationen Glaslifte: Im Jahr 1980 entwickelte unser Büro mit EMCH für das AmthausBern, an der markanten baulichen Schnittstelle zwischen dem Alt- und dem Neubau, den Prototyp des allerersten Glaslifts in der Schweiz. Der Glaslift setzte dort für die vertikale Verbindung in der Anlage ein signifikantes Zeichen und erleichterte den Besuchern die Orientierung im Haus. Diese in all ihren Facettengelungene Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma EMCH konnten wir 32 Jahre - eine ganze Generation - später mit Bernhard Emch bei den Glasliften im Swisscom Businesspark Ittigen weiterführen. Auch hier ging es wieder darum, der vertikalen Verbindung im zentralen Atrium des Gebäudes einen angemessenen Ausdruckzu verleihen und die Fahrt im Lift zu einem kleinen Erlebnis werden zu lassen. Diese erneute Zusammenarbeit hat zu einem grossartigen architektonischen und ästhetisch bis ins letzte Detail ausgereiften Ergebnis geführt. Wir sind gespannt aufdie weitere Zusammenarbeit, vielleichtmit der nächsten Generation.»
«Als innovativer Architekt bin ich aufkompetente Spezialisten angewiesen.Die Zusammenarbeit mit EMCH ist immerhervorragend. Neue, unkonventionelleIdeen werden aufgenommen undmit grossem Fachwissen konstruktivweiterentwickelt und umgesetzt.Sowohl in der Projektierung als auch inder Realisierung ist EMCH für mich einwichtiger Projektpartner.» Andreas Ramseier, Ramseier & Associates Ltd., Zürich
«Das Besondere ist bei uns alltäglich, denn wir haben uns auf Liftanlagen mit aussergewöhnlichen Anforderungen spezialisiert.»
Einen Lift zu montieren, ist wie ein anspruchsvollesPuzzle. Einmal, in Oetwil am See bei Zürich, war mein Auftrag, einen runden Glaslift einzubauen. Ich bekam eine Kiste mit Material. Der Bauleiter fragte mich, was das sei. «Das isch dr Lift.» Der glaubte das nicht, aber ich begann, das Ganze Schritt für Schritt zusammenzubauen. Er staunte. Fritz Wittwer (seit 1989 Monteur)

& technique

The modernization, reconstruction or replacement of elevators is a specialist field for specialists. Our technicians and engineers have the necessary many years of experience and the specific know-how. Regardless of the type, brand and age of your elevator, we will guide you through the entire process and define the scope of your modernization project with you. Get us on board and contact us for a no-obligation consultation appointment.



All References

Contact persons


Division Manager Sales
Dipl. Architect MSc


Sales Manager Conversion/Modernization
Sales specialist with federal diploma


Customer Advisor Retrofit / Modernisation
diploma sales advisor

All contact persons

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