Project: | Ristorante Nido Bern |
Architecture: | Hebeisen + Vatter Architekten Bern |
Lift type: | Hydraulic direct with minimal shaft pit |
The rooftop restaurant Ristorante Nido was realized on the roof of the LOEB department store in Bern. The building's existing elevators only go up to the mansard floor and could not be extended for heritage preservation reasons. A newly installed elevator now directly connects the attic floor with the restaurant. This was made possible by a special construction featuring a reduced pit depth of only 135 mm and a minimized shaft head of 2500 mm. The complete steel shaft was lifted onto the roof by crane during the ongoing operation of the department store. The architecturally complex environment of the department store required a tailor-made solution, developed in collaboration with architects and engineers. This statically self-supporting construction represents an innovative solution that leaves the historical appearance of the building untouched.
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