Gare de Renens

Project: Gare de Renens
Lift type: traction elevator

The project to transform Renens station, one of the central axes for developing the mobility network in Western Switzerland, reached an important milestone in May 2021 with the inauguration of the new pedestrian bridge.


This ambitious four-year initiative aimed to convert the station into a true mobility hub—a strategic junction providing better connectivity and smoother traffic flow for the expected 27,000 daily travelers. This transformation expanded Renens station into a significant transport hub, featuring the impressive pedestrian bridge known as "Rayon Vert" ("Green Ray"), connecting the northern and southern plazas of the station.


The 150-meter-long metal structure is partially covered with ivy, elegantly combining modernity and nature. It provides direct access to platforms, buses, the M1 metro, and eventually the tram. The bridge embodies a vision of more fluid and integrated mobility in the future.


A crucial component of this transformation was the installation of four EMCH elevators. These glass elevators were installed with high precision beneath the glass arch that spans the bridge. Equipped with advanced technology, they ensure optimal reliability and a comfortable user experience. The transparent design of the elevator cabins not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also improves passenger safety. Combining robustness with transparency, the EMCH elevators offer an efficient, modern, and secure solution essential to the success of this large-scale project. They enhance accessibility, facilitate passenger movement, and integrate harmoniously into the bridge's architecture and the overall project.

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